The DustyShed, Ely, Cardiff

We are pleased to announce that we have new opportunities to join our board of trustees and support our work tackling social isolation and loneliness for older people.

We are seeking dedicated individuals with diverse experiences and a passion for making a positive difference. We invite you to consider becoming a trustee and playing a role in shaping the future of The Dusty Shed.

We value individuals who not only come with a wealth of professional experience, but also those who feel they have commitment to their community and feel passionately about isolation and loneliness and their effects on people, including physical and mental health issues.

The Dusty Shed is committed to encouraging healthy and connected lifestyles, and strives to bring those who are lonely and socially isolated together in an environment of collaborative learning and compassion; hence, the Dusty Shed is looking for trustees who are passionate about their community and willing to give freely of their time to help others.

Trustees will be expected to attend the Annual General Meeting of members and quarterly meetings of the committee, actively participate in discussions, and contribute to the decision-making process.

If you are interested in joining our board of trustees, please contact The Dusty Shed:


T: 07395 414683