Donate to the Dusty Shed
The Dusty Shed is aiming to raise funds to pay for our overheads. Currently we are open only two days a week on a regular basis. Our members pay a voluntary attendance fee which only pays for basic consumables like wood screws, and sandpaper. We rely mostly on donated materials for our projects.
Your donation will also enable us to keep the Shed open for more days per week. This will support our members and our local community. We would be very grateful for your donation!
Donate to the Dusty Shed by clicking the button below
Amazon Smile If you are a regular Amazon customer, please consider using their donation URL instead of the normal to do your shopping. Go to where you will find the same products at the same prices. The difference is that for most purchases via the smile link, Amazon will donate 0.05% of the value of your purchase to your chosen charity. It does not cost you any extra money.
When you visit Amazon Smile for the first time,you will be asked to pick a charity. From the search option, search for ‘The Dusty Shed’ and you will find our listing. You only have to select a charity once, and it will only take a few seconds to do that. As someone once said, every little helps! See more details below or click this link to view instructions in your browser: AmazonSmile Mobile App Instructions