What is the Dusty Shed Wellbeing Group?

In keeping with our mission statement to facilitate the coming together of lonely and socially isolated people, with emphasis on older men, in a physically and emotionally safe environment where they can participate, with their peers, in woodworking, craft and social activities; we decided to run a discussion group to examine the physical and emotional issues facing men as they get older, and to help them develop strategies to cope with these issues.
In particular, our Shed Wellbeing Group addresses issues such as the loss of identity associated with retirement, dealing with the incapacitation of a partner, or other close relative, due to a physical or mental disorder, and our own declining physical and mental state. We also examine things we can do to slow down this decline and cope with the stress it puts on us.
What prompted us to establish a Dusty Shed Wellbeing Group?
We noticed that whilst most of our regular Shed attendees became actively involved in the woodworking and craft activities, some just helped others, or stood around and chattered. So, we introduced some board-games and we soon had a small sub-group of regular attendees playing Chess, Draughts and a range of other one-on-one board games.

We were also aware that several of our members had been receiving professional help for mental disorders, brought on by their personal circumstance; and others, were dealing with the stress of some personal issues on their own. In most cases these were also the people actively engaging in the one-on-one board games, because it gave them the opportunity to simply chat with a non-judgmental person over a cuppa.
We also noticed that the ‘chat group’ were frequently interrupted by the ‘woodworking group’ calling for assistance to hold something steady, fetch some tool, or make a cup of tea, etc. So, we decided to start a group on a separate day when no woodworking would be allowed. Hence the Wellbeing Group (sometimes called the Chat Group) came into existence!
So, if you have a problem you want to talk about, or you are simply looking for some company, please feel free to drop in and find out more.
The group meets every Wednesday, from 10am, till 1pm and new members are welcome.
Tea, coffee, biscuits and a friendly smile are always provided.